I was going to write a post on Monday but when the events in Boston occurred it didn’t feel right or appropriate to go on about my mundane week. My thoughts and prayers go out to all those injured and their families and to those who witnessed such horror.
As earlier stated, my week was fairly mundane. I did not feel great on Friday – Sunday but not horrible either. I think the combination of Nuelasta and a lower chemo dose worked. I have not had to visit Paradise. I feel stronger each day this week and will be ready for the next onslaught on May 22.
My sister Christine left this morning. She stayed for three weeks. She was originally scheduled to stay for two weeks but since my chemo was delayed a week, she stayed longer. It was great having her here. It means so much to me that all my siblings will come and visit. I am very lucky to have such great family. My friends (and family) have brought meals, sent cards and flowers, bought me great gifts, prayed, knitted hats, texted, emailed, walked my dog, visited, called and performed many other acts of kindness not mentioned but greatly appreciated. You all are the helpers in my life.
I will end this post with a quote from Mr Rogers. Even if you have read it, it is always good to read it again. I am very grateful to all those in my life who are helping and caring for me. We should remember how many helpers there are in the world.
“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.’ To this day, especially in times of ‘disaster,’ I remember my mother’s words and I am always comforted by realizing that there are still so many helpers – so many caring people in this world. ” Fred Rogers