The Plan – Vanna can I have an “A” a “C” and a “T”?

Today was the day to get “The Plan.”  Scott and I met with the oncologist today.  I will start off by saying he is a super nice guy.  I feel very confident with the care I am receiving from him.  I will have two rounds of chemo.  They will run consecutively.  The drugs are called AC and T.  See the following:

AC + Taxol / Taxotere – AC is one of the five most common types of chemotherapy given to women with breast cancer. It includes two drugs: doxorubicin (Adriamycin), and cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan). Paclitaxel (Taxol) or docetaxel (Taxotere) is added to AC for women with node-positive cancer, or in women who’ve had a recurrence; it’s delivered after you’ve finished the AC.

I will start with the AC next Friday.  This will be an infusion every other Friday for 6 rounds or 12 weeks.  The major side effects of this drug are nausea, low white cell counts and hair loss.  To combat two of these side effects I will get anti nausea drugs and a white cell booster.  The hair loss has no counter.  I will lose my hair.  Generally a person will feel the worst of the side effects about 7-8 days after an infusion.  This can last a few days.  You then feel better to start it all over.

As soon as the AC is complete, the T begins.  This round does not have as severe side effects as the AC.  It is an infusion once a week for 12 weeks. One of the major side effects is tingling fingertips.  There are ways to counter this side effect also.

That brings me to one of the biggest side effects of all.  Instant menopause!  Instead of lasting 4-5 years, it will happen in a flash (no pun intended.)  Apparently there are also ways to combat these side effects.

By my calculations, I will be finished with chemo on August 23!  I will have a week or two to recover and then the final margin surgery.  After another 2 weeks or so I will start radiation. Radiation will be 33 sessions.  That translates to every day, M-F for 6.5 weeks.  I am hoping it will all be done by Nov 13!!!

So, there you have it, “The Plan.”  There will be some rough periods. But, the bottom line of all of this is, and I quote the oncologist, is that when this is all done “You will be okay.”

18 thoughts on “The Plan – Vanna can I have an “A” a “C” and a “T”?

  1. Cynthia

    Madi just read the post to me 🙂 You are wonderful and brave and amazing! And we LOVE you!

  2. Deanna Kaulay

    Grace under pressure. While I can’t be there to physically support you, you know that I am with you in my heart. XO Dee

  3. Robin Gaphni

    Hugs to you and Scott as you travel down this path. You have a huge community supporting you as you take these next steps. Please let us know if you need anything.

  4. Julie Richards

    We are all here to help — we can cook, we can clean, we can train ourselves if you don’t feel like coming in — we can bring takeout — your wish is our command. We are your village!

    Love and hugs

  5. Christine

    Now we can plan my trip!!!! I know Di has June and an unknown time in the Fall. We can all coordinate with Claire too. LOVE YOU!!! 😀

  6. Beth

    The last stence of this was the best sentence on this ! I was doing happy kissy faces at it!! Hooooorrrraaayyy you!

  7. Jan

    Interesting, amazing and hopeful stuff, Loretta. All these good wishes, love, and what sounds like an effective plan will get you on the other side of November well, well, well and your beautiful blue black hair will grow in again.

    Lots of love,

  8. Kathy Daugherty

    This is a tough read for all of us who love and support you but then this is a very tough adversary.

    I think that when this ordeal is over you will be more than just okay…you will be at the very least super okay.
    Wishing you strength and love, kathy

  9. Sharon Jacobsen

    Loretta, just found out about your blog. Interesting read. I enjoy the humor and the love and support I feel you have for each other reading the posts. My positive thoughts are sent your way with God’s speed. It isn’t just you with cancer, it is your family and friends. As I know from my Dad.

  10. Mary Lynn Mounger

    Have you ever heard any sweeter four words,” You will be okay”
    We’re on your journey all the way and ready for what ever you need done.
    Enjoy this beautiful day.
    Hugs, Mary Lynn

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