Surgery – Early

A “case” was canceled so we moved up a slot.  Loretta is in surgery now.

The surgeon came in to talk to us and let us know that it is very unlikely that she would be sending nodes out for testing during the surgery.  This is good news and a little disappointing at the same time.  It is good news in that they are pretty sure that they are not going to find anything that looks like more cancer.  Disappointing because now we won’t know if the nodes are positive until Tuesday next week.  I’ll take the good news any day.  Obviously, we will know more after they* are done but it looks like they are planning on removing two nodes.

The anesthesiologist gave Loretta a little “cocktail” just before taking her back to the OR.  When I say a little, I mean less than 1 CC of whatever the narcotic was.  The syringe had at least 20 CC in it so she could have gotten all of it if she needed it.  No.  Loretta is truly a “cheap date”.  “Oh, I can feel that!”, she said.   They didn’t need to do any more.  Loretta was offering to do a table dance.  (I did not make that up!)  They declined the offer but appreciated the sentiment.

*”They” refers to the crowd of people that show up whenever one specialty arrives to do something.  This is a teaching facility so there is always at least one person shadowing each specialist.  For example, the surgeon has her resident (who we met a SCCA for the initial consultations) and she has a med student.  So there are three of them.  Everyone has been really good.

3 thoughts on “Surgery – Early

  1. Nicki McCraw

    I’m thinking good thoughs for you both. I’m glad I got to pop by for a few minutes and check on you. Let me know if you need anything.


  2. Christine

    Hi!!! Forgot about following the blog till Danielle reminded me. THANKS for the pics and play by play…helps A LOT being so far away!!! A bit disappointing about having to wait another week, though the reason why is optimistic!!! LOVE YOU GUYS!!!! (Keep Loretta from dancing on all the tables there!!!)

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