Hi all!

Hi all!

Just thought I would write a bit about today.  I know some of you are very upset about the additional surgery.  But, it was always a possibility because the margins did not meet the acceptable minimum.  I would rather have more taken than not enough.  I will have the surgery a few weeks after I finish chemo and before I start radiation.

Having the scans themselves were ok.  We don’t have the results yet.  I had an IV that was used to inject the radioactive tracer used in the bone scan.  They also used the IV to inject the contrast for the CAT scan.  (I still consider myself more of a dog person,)  I did have to drink a liter of mostly water stuff.  It really tasted like water.  Since I was not able to eat or drink for a while, it all went down just fine.  I did have to pee a million times (maybe that was TMI?)  The weird thing about it all is that I am radioactive for the next 48 hours.  I have a piece of paper to carry around with me in case I set off alarms or whatever.

Thank you all so very much for your comments!  While I haven’t answered them I have read and love each and every one.

10 thoughts on “Hi all!

      1. Fed


        it is not reccommended to use Loretta’s armpit as a microwave oven, unless you want all your food have a Camembert flavour! 🙂

  1. Jan

    Oh, my, so funny, but wouldn’t that be convenient to be able to have a microwave armpit?!

  2. Tom

    Glad to hear about the scan news. Your glowing personality is sure coming through in this ordeal.

  3. Eileen

    That’s so funny Loretta! Your so wonderful and strong!!! I can’t tell you how much you inspire me …and everyone else that knows and lives you!

  4. Leslie Rue Drehoff

    Hi Loretta,
    You are amazing. Your strength and sense of humor never cease to amaze me!!! I look forward to reading your posts…….you are an inspiration to us all! We need to have a WB reunion next time you are in VA! Sending hugs and prayers your way and jokes too, (if I can think of any!!)

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