Some photos from the Friends of Loretta meeting held at Island Fitness on 15 March 2013. Click on the images to make them bigger.
- Alexa and me
- The group
- Alexa and me with Roberta in the mirror.
- Michael and me
- Michael, Alexa and me with Roberta still in the mirror.
- Wendy and Nancy
- Gordon
- Sandi and Veronica
- Sandi
- Robin
- Jim and Scott
- My favorite accounting people.
- Brenda, Buffy and Beth (My alliterative friends!)
- Beth and Katie
- Beth
- Michelle and Jillian
- Jillian
- Pam
- Debbie
- Jeff
- Linda
- Gavin and the last rose.
- Montage
- Three beautiful bouquets.
- Flowers
- Looking at the variety of flowers.
- Bracelets and flowers
- Bracelets
It was a wonderful event for a wonderful friend…years of support from you has made my love and encouragement seem meager. AND…it was a spontaneous Mt. Rainier T2C reunion too! Love you.