A Port for the Storm

Today is Loretta’s first day of chemotherapy.  Of course, it isn’t that easy.  First, she has to have a port installed so they can start pouring various chemicals into her.  The port procedure is fairly short – maybe 45 minutes.  The prep for it has been 2+ hours.  The port is essentially an I/O (input/output device) that links the outside world with a spot in her vein right above the first input valve of her heart.  They like it there because it is “very turbulent” and there is a lot of blood going by very quickly so the really nasty chemicals to come are dispersed very quickly.

Once it is in, they will let me back in to see her for a few minutes.  Then it is off to make her radioactive (again) to get a baseline for her heart function.  I’ll post another exciting update after I’ve seen her.

[Update] She’s out and all went well.

This is what the port looks like:


The wedge-shaped thing is where external needles go and is implanted against her pectoral muscle on the left side. The tube goes up and over her collarbone then down the jugular vein to her heart.

5 thoughts on “A Port for the Storm

    1. Scott

      Around here they call it “mugga” as in, “I decided that working for the man was too hard so I became a mugga.”

  1. Christine

    THANK YOU, Scott!!! I KNEW I could count on you to keep us up to date!!! REALLY appreciate it!!! LOVE you guys!!! 😀

  2. Tim

    No sooner is the drain out than the port is in. That doesn’t seem fair! Keeping you all in my thoughts!

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