Fun Videos

Along with the jokes, I have been sent some very funny videos.  This is one of my favorites and so apropro.

Canadians have the best breast self exam videos ever!

This is Gym Etiquette by Jimmy Tatro.  Warning the language might be offensive to some.

Paper is not dead.


8 thoughts on “Fun Videos

  1. Fed

    I wouldn’t be too much surprise if they have already invented and app that …….wipes your a**! 😀

  2. Mary Lynn Mounger

    From what you’ve told me Loretta I think that guy did examine your breast!
    The gym etiquette was pretty funny too.

    You write beautifully , thank you for sharing your thoughts with the world.
    xoxo, Mary Lynn

  3. Stephanie

    Laughter is the best medicine and I’m so glad you have that in your life!! That breast exam video is hilarious!!! Call Cam!!!

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