Be Still My (Radioactive) Heart

Doing the MUGA.  First, they take out some blood and make it radioactive.  Then they put it back in and take pictures.  They take three angles with an exposure time of about 5 minutes each.  I’m sure there is a lot of post processing on the images because what is on the screen it’s pretty ugly:


That lump is Loretta’s heart.

3 thoughts on “Be Still My (Radioactive) Heart

  1. Elizabeth Churchill

    I wish I could see the looks on their faces when they discover Loretta has the heart of a healthy 12 year old. And may that evil Red Devil adriamycin leave it in the same excellent shape for many decades to come.

  2. Mary Lynn Mounger

    We wish there was more we could say than our thoughts and prayers are with you.
    Did that heart come from Oz?

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